Monday 13 August 2012

Movies For Monday: Space, The Final Frontier

Hey Guys,

This is the part of the week where I will be looking into films and reviewing certain aspects or even a whole film. I will be viewing my opinions whilst also asking what you feel about it.

The films I look into may be new releases, or films that I have just watched on DVD.

You may not believe this, maybe you’ll be slightly shocked, but at times I can be slightly geeky! I know a little about certain things and have a fondness for old classics.

So when I watched Star Trek (2009) directed by J.J. Abrams last night, I felt my geeky side come out, as it probably will in this blog.

At first, when watching the opening scene, I was getting slightly annoyed as I thought they were about to kill off a captain that was very important without giving him two looks. I was wrong to think this as the film itself is based around him and his voyage with Enterprise.

The film tells of the story of the Romulans and how they believe Mr Spok to have destroyed their home planet, they start to destroy other planets to get back at the Federation for not saving their planet.

Now I have to say, may include spoilers, that the thought into the time, space continuum was really clever. Basically due to the fact that when future Romulans and the future Spok (Spok Prime) being transported back to the present day, it altered the course of people’s lives and made things change. 

(I told you this might get slightly geeky)

Whilst watching this film it brought back some memories of sitting down to watch Star Trek with my father. I saw almost every captain, almost every commander and knew the basic plot lines.

I was rather impressed by this film, and apart from a few minor CGI moments that were a little too much, the rest was perfect. The story line was clean and came through and they seemed to keep some of the old Star Trek charm in there.

I thought that Simon Pegg as Scotty did a fantastic job, his Scottish accent and his personality was great. To be honest, the whole film was tremendously well casted and all the actors portrayed the original characters as well as possible.

Overall the movie was rather impressive and it thrilled my geeky side to no end. It is worth watching and I don’t know why I have not seen it earlier. Also I was extremely glad to see that at the end of the film, they had the original Star Trek Opening Titles, obviously edited and re-mastered for a newer audience, but just the fact they included it made my geeky side happy.

One small little treat for you guys. J.J. Abrams is in the process of making an Untitled Star Trek Sequel, which will be coming out next year.  We all know how well Abrams is at keeping secrets, so I’m guessing we won’t know much detail until the trailer hits, but I’m guessing from what he has created with the first one it should be good.

If you have any films or film topics you would like me to look into the comment below. If you have any views on what has been discussed this week, also let me know.

Stay safe,



  1. I remember when I was younger and watching the original "Star Trek" series, I thought it was the coolest show on the planet! The most amazing special effects I had ever seen on tv (well back THEN it was cool haha). I loved all the movies, the Wrath of Khan was my all time favorite ( although that whole slug thing I the ear always made me have to cover my eyes ewwww). I didn't enjoy the remake as much, simply because I had grown attached to the actors who played the characters for so long it was hard to associate someone else with their role, but Abrams did Star Trek proud!!!

    1. As I said, i remember quite a few of them and the different captains. They have made many films about Captain Picard and Captain Kirk, but I don't think I have ever seen a Janeway film. Yet they are only on the Enterprise, so lets see what happens..


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