Tuesday 24 July 2012

Tips for Tuesday: How to Get Out of 'One of Those Moods'

Hey Guys,

This is Tips for Tuesday. Here is where I give you the tips that I, loosely, follow or think that I should follow. These are either life tips or tips to do with work, maybe even specific tips to something. It may help you with something you’ve been trying to over-come or maybe it will just inspire you to try something new.

Today the tips are about how to cheer yourself up when you’re having ‘one of those days’.

Now let's not lie, we all have them. We all wake up in the morning and feel down, or a bit rough. Sometimes we aren’t even truly sure why. It’s just ‘one of those days’ where whenever anyone says anything at all, like ‘would you like a cup of tea?’, you snap.

So here are my tips on how to get over those days. I’m not saying they’ll work for everything or that it’s a miracle cure for down days but it tends to cheer me up. So here goes:

No1: Make yourself a nice hot brew, with some sugar, and a nice slice of cake or a snack of some kind.

Well we all know sugar is bad for us and that if we have too much it gets risky, but you're in a bad mood, and things like that are the least of your worries. Sugary drinks and snacks will cheer you up and obviously you’re gunna pick your favourite snack or desert, so its going to taste even better. Then we focus on the brew. Now whether it’s tea, coffee, hot chocolate, whatever you fancy, the brew is going to warm you up inside and make you feel nice and cosy. that's just what you need for the mood swing.

No2: Put something on that you know will make you laugh no matter what.

I’m talking about your favourite comedian’s stand up show, or a film that makes you giggle every single time you watch it. Maybe even a sit-com. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s full of laughs and will take your mind off your bad day blues.

No3: Have great company.

Now I know what it’s like, you wake up, it’s ‘one of those days’ you want to be left, pardon my French, the fuck alone. Yet more likely than not, what you actually want more than anything is somebody to be with you to cheer you up.

Now obviously don’t pick the friends that gas on about things that annoy you, or the ones that are a little attention seeking. (And yes we all have a few friends like that, it’s natural) Pick the ones that make you smile and you can have a laugh with and never take much seriously. They are the kind of people you need around when you’re a little down.

No4: Pamper yourself.

We all love a god pamper. Yes even us guys. We love to sit in the bathtub and soak away our troubles. Nice glass of wine, some candles, a bit of music. Perfect.

If you’re not a bath person, fine. You can still relax; maybe you could moisturise, or take care of something that you’ve been meaning to do. Like, for example, a tan, or shave, or something that makes you look, and feel a million times better.

This will help because when we look better, we automatically feel better. It boosts our confidence and makes us think ‘Hey why am I down, I’m looking good and fresh. Let's forget about it’

No5: Put some really happy music on.

Now I don’t mean this stupid happy go lucky, everything is perfect music. I mean stuff that has a good beat and gets you going, makes you feel like you want to get up and dance and have a good time.

Last thing you want to be listening to is something depressing or sad, like Winehouse or Anthony and the Johnsons. That’s never going to help. You want some club mixes, some dance music. Whatever cheers you up.

No6: Spontaneously go out on a night out.

Now don’t be silly and get steaming drunk, now that is not going to help you at all. You truly don’t need to drink much at all. (Remember you had a few glasses in the bath as well).

It is just the vibe you get from a night out, the lights and the atmosphere. Plus if you’ve chosen the right people to go out with, which you should have, then this spontaneous night out will be amazing.

We all know that unplanned events are always the best also. So get your glad-rags on and get your party shoes on. We are going to have a great time.

So These are just six ways that I would try and cheer myself up, and seeing as I’ve only done two so far and I’m already feeling better I can say that most of the time they work.

If you have any other ways of cheering yourself up, or things that help you in everyday life, then let me know. I want to see how different people cope in similar situations to their bad days.

What do you do when you’re having ‘one of those days’?

Stay Safe,



  1. Great tips Matt!! When I am in "one of those moods" I usually like to be left alone. I can be a be nasty, so people who know me know enough to just let be until it passes. I love Adam Lambert, so listening to him always makes me smile. Sometimes a good book, or reading my fave parts of a fave book(s) cheers me up. I love to cook, which I find very therapeutic.

    1. I find baking will help also. Just think all that fun of making the pastry and then enjoying it afterwards. How could that not cheer you up? Thanks for your view :)


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