Tuesday 17 July 2012

A Few Film Ideas

Hey Guys,

Wanting to become a film director I have had a few ideas in the past as to what type of films I would like to create; some ideas are based on books, myths and ideas and others based loosely on moments that happened in my life and that I have worked with and edited.

These are some of my small ideas that I have had in the past and an example of my style:

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

The book is narrated by Death, whom tells the story of a young girl growing up in Nazi Germany around The Second World War. Death tells the story of his involvement in this war and also tells the story of a young girl who is growing up and getting used to living with her foster parents and her neighbours after her mother leaves her. The young girl gets a habit of stealing books from those who deserve it and the story tells of what happens to her and those around her as the war becomes more serious.

I believe that this book should become a film due to the fact that that the book itself has some beautiful imagery and how it is narrated by Death whom explains vividly how his job works and the views he sees around him. I believed that it had an essence of a fantasy, or even fairy-tale style to it whilst it was still realistic and emotional enough to affect people from all ages.

Mysery - Own Story

This story is based on a young girl named Matilda Mysery Downes, Mysery for short, who lives in the 1920's. She is sat in an abandoned field of corn when something mysterious happens and she ends up in a mysterious time and place. She has no idea how she got here or what will happen but decides to explore and discover, she bumps into a friendly gentlemen who shows her around. He gets her use to the area so that she does not want to go back. The story tells of her becoming use to this new world and everything involved with her travels.

In the writing I have made it so that the future world is in colour and Mysery stays in grey-scale, giving it a great effect about her change of location and the fact that nobody will accept her for who she is. I wanted this to be the same in the film. I saw this story progress from a story of discovery in herself and her world and move towards more of a love story. It has hints of fantasy in it with the mystery behind how she got to this world

Back To Black - A story of Amy Winehouse's life

Somebody else will probably end up releasing this story before I even get to where I want to be, but I would love to release this myself.

My idea for her story was to mix both real clips and acted scenes together to create a realistic as possible film as possible. The idea was to have most of the action in a dark black or grey-scale and then having one or two items/objects in the scene in colour, the items of importance would then look highlighted. I wanted to show how Amy's based her music on life and how her music therefore effected and changed her life as she would try to better herself with creating new problems to overcome.

This story would show Amy as a hero in the end as her music and life had affected so many others and had changed peoples' lives.

Transformation - Own Story

This story is still under construction but the basis is that a middle aged, married man becomes addicted to cross dressing; he therefore ends up leading two separate lives. His two lives start to spiral out of control and he doesn't know which way to turn. This story is about how he accepts himself and how others view him in his two separate lives.

There are a few small ideas I've had for this on film but at the moment they have not been narrowed down and refined.

Bitter Shandy - Own Story
This story has not been completely thought out yet, but I have had a few visions and ideas.

Basically this story about an actor who gets in a relationship with an actress, Shandy, that he has been working with, they go away together. The story follows how their relationship falls apart and how the guys actions effect Shandy and what it causes her to do to save her life and how everything that happens is a chain reaction towards something else.

This film would break my normal style and be a mixture between fantasy and reality; it is a story of how their work seems to crash into the couples lives. The stories that they act out seem to happen to them in real life and cause things to get worse.

I have had other ideas for this, but they are being refined.

There are also other stories and films I would love to make, using such authors such as Roald Dahl books and Darren Shan, but at this moment I am focusing on writing these stories and perfecting them whilst also working on short films also.

I am also focusing on my studies and making sure I complete my masters in Directing for film.

Stay safe,


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